In December 2019, Sustainable Village Workshop has been conducted in Sukoharjo, Central Java. The workshop was attended by representatives from the Office of Rural and Community Empowerment from 17 districts in Central Java, as well as representatives from BUMDES Communication Forum from 27 districts in Central Java. This workshop is part of Sustainable Landscape Management program in Central Java and collaboration between Business Watch Indonesia, Office of Village and Rural Community Empowerment - Population and Civil Registry Central Java Province. During the workshop, the forum agreed to establish Jaringan Desa Lestari (Sustainable Village Network). This network is a multi-stakeholder platform at the village level in Central Java Province.
There are 3 agreements points during the workshop, as follow: First, To establish “Sustainable Village Network”. The development of rural economy through BUMDes/BUMDesMa requires a breakthrough in order to achieve enterprise (business) objectives while taking into account the preservation of natural and social environment. Sustainable Village Network is a network comprising different parties aimed at supporting the network between BUMDes/BUMDesMa and the government by involving other relevant parties such as NGOs, practitioners, and business actors in the form of information, assistance, consultancy, and collaboration.
Second, To establish and found 9 Areas for Rural Potential Enterprise Development. The development of rural potential enterprise (business) development areas is an imoportant step to take in order to build and open up bigger markets. Access to markets of greater scale requires greater, sustainable supply volume as well as a shared commitment among the parties under the same area. Area development will also open up potentials for investments in 10 areas, i.e. Tea, Coffee, Spices, Coastal Area, Sustainable Tourism, Agroforestry, Horticulture and Plantation, Livestock Farming, and Plainwater Fishery as well as soya.
Third, To develop villages as a channel/center of distribution for products from farmers/villages. Central Java is a great market and offers potentials for development of products from the villages within its territory. Through Sustainable Village Network, all villages in Central Java will be a market for products from farmers, villages, or BUMDes. Products from villages or BUMDes will be sold and distributed all villages/BUMDes in Central Java. The process will be based on the principle of mutual empowerment to strengthen the villages. The initial product to develop is groceries.
This local level MSP will play role to support implementation and contribution of wider stakeholders in the sustainable landscape management program. ***